Malissa's World

Trying to keep up with the Joneses isn't easy, but we will try to help you with a glimpse of our life in our blog.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The reminders of the firsts and the memories of the lasts…

When Jillian was having her difficulties last week and stopped nursing, I started to ask if this was it? Was she going to wean herself? Luckily, it was just a small issue but it got me thinking about all the lasts from my children. Now as I was thinking this I happened to came across my friend Hilary’s blog where she talked about this same issue. Again, I’m going take a bit of what she had done.

I am going to the miss all of your lasts:

To Braedon:
The last time…
-we played bouncy ball, bouncy ball, bouncy ball for…Braedon but you couldn’t say your name and would same ummmmm.
-you rolled over to get something and rolled up in your blanket. You looked like a crescent roll.
-you fell asleep in your high chair when I was feeding you.
-when you rubbed your eyes and got that sleepy look on your face. We knew it was time for bed.
-holding you and rocking you while you were drinking your milk. I would sing and sing to you until you fell asleep. This lasted until you were 2.
-you sat in your baby car seat and then your toddler car seat. You are now in a booster seat.

To Sebastian:
The last time…
-you nursed. You poor thing you were 2 years and I decided it was enough. You cried and cried and cried. I held you until you would go to sleep. You still need to be held once and a while.
-last time I carried you in the bjorn. You were getting too independent.
-you tried to sit up on your own. You started sitting up at 4 months but not by yourself until you were 10 months.
-you chewed on your multicolored teething ring.
-you swung in your baby swing. You were trying to sit up way to early and I didn’t feel safe putting you in it any more.
-holding and rocking you. I know you still remember it because you ask me to rock you occasionally.
-your last time in the baby car seat and now into your toddler car seat. You’re not that tall so you might be in this one for a while.

To Jillian…
You are still accomplishing a lot of your 1st right now. Thankfully you haven’t stopped nursing. Truthfully, I’m not sure when that will end but hopefully when its right for the both of us. Right now just remain our sweet little girl for a bit longer.

Although I will miss all of their lasts and I’m delighted that we are moving on to a lot of 1sts. Each day goes by so quickly that soon you won’t be my little ones and you’ll be off having ones of your own. Hopefully you can look back on what I’ve written to get a sense of what I felt like to be your mom. It is really an honor.

Thank you.

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