I still can’t believe that you are 1 today. I remember a year ago waking up at 2am and my water breaking. In exactly 2 hours at 4am, you were born into your daddy’s arms. It was so peaceful and wonderful (I can’t wait to tell you when you get older). Your brother’s woke up at their usual 7am and your dad was holding you on the bed. He announced that you had arrived and they couldn’t believe there was another person in our house. They instantly fell in love with you as easily as we had. You were so quiet and sweet.
I had phoned a dear friend of ours, Marcie Alexander, to come over and help take care of your brother’s. Since we were up all night having you, your dad and I were tired. We didn’t have all that energy to take care of your brother’s. So she came over while we rested for a bit. Then it was time for her to go and I got up. She was the 1st person to hold you beside your father and I. She couldn’t believe it. Here you were so tiny.
It was a cold rainy day when you were born. I remember that because Marcie took the boys outside to feed the meter in the cold/rain.
I was so thrilled awaiting your arrival. I didn’t know if you were a boy or a girl. You seemed so high up in my belly and actually felt like you were up in my rib cage. In fact after I had you, it was hard for me to breath. We wanted you to be a surprise and what a wonderful surprise you were.
Immediately you had a personality much like your brother Braedon. You were generally very easy to meet your needs. You had a schedule and we tried hard to stick to it while managing your brothers. You adapted very well.
In this first year you have gained weight,smiled, laughed, sat up, rolled over, acquired 6 teeth, are standing up, pointing, babbling, and well on your way to walking. You are in 12-18 month clothes and I imagine soon that it will be 18-24 month. Your smile and laugh are very infectious.
You play games with us and your brother’s. You play the shy game when someone talks to you. You shy your head away or sometimes you just put your head down. You also like to play catch me. You crawl down the hallway and when we call after you, you crawl faster and giggle. When your brother’s are jumping on the bed, you love to jump along with them. You love pillows. You smother your face in them, jump/crawl on top and giggle. You love rolling around and crawling around in bed.
Your love for books is infectious. You love to look at books but mostly the letters. You point to things and start talking. Sometimes you squench up your nose and laugh at things. We can’t help laughing along with you. You are a very curious gal and like to see how things work. For example, you love to move doors back and forth.
You are a lovely and sweet addition to our family. Your brother’s are enjoying helping to take care of you and playing with you. They love to help you explore new things and help you learn as you are going along. They really look out for you and make sure you aren’t in any danger.
Thank you for being such a ray of light in our lives. We aren’t sure how we every got along without you but we sure can’t wait to see what you do throughout your years.
We love you tremendously our sweet baby Jillian.
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