Malissa's World

Trying to keep up with the Joneses isn't easy, but we will try to help you with a glimpse of our life in our blog.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Braedon's first purchase--legos

Its been a long time coming. The kids see some coins on the ground and run to collect them. One would think they would put it into their piggy banks, but not mine. They put straight into their wallet.

Braedon has been hoarding his money for a while. He has been claiming that he would buy something with his money, but never has. I also think he forgets about bringing his wallet. It wasn't until Sebastian brought up the idea of bringing his wallet.

Before we set out to Target to stock up on household items, I had them count their money. Braedon helped a little and S didn't care (he just wanted "stuff"). I thought oh boy this is going to be a great learning lesson for both of them.

As we walked in, they both started begging me to take them to the toy section. After gathering up a few items, we headed upstairs. They looked around a bit and then asked me what could they get. Braedon had $15and more than S because he had "tooth-fairy" money. Yup losing 5 teeth pays off. Poor S only had $3. Again, another lesson that saving your money can get you better toys.

It took a while to get S his toys which he finally agreed to 3 hotwheels police cars. B finally settled on a Dino small lego set. I had to run out of there before each of them asked for the millionth time if what could they get for their money. I tried to explain to them but they just weren't hearing me or didn't care to hear me.

We went to the grocery store where I proceeded to lock the keys in the car and subsequently standing around for while waiting for assistance. Taking 3 wound up kids to Target, grocery store, and locking the keys in the car exhausted me.

When we arrived home, all I wanted to do was to put away the groceries and do nothing. Of course here comes B asking me to put his lego vehicle together. I politely asked him to see if he could start and if he had any problems to ask for assistance.

I never expected him to put it together by himself! He was so proud of himself and it gave him the sense of power.

Later that evening, S of course demolished B's car. B was upset and asked Dad to rebuild it. Dad forgot and the next morning Braedon rebuilt all by himself.

I can't wait until he gets more legos and see his ability to read directions to build something amazing.

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