Malissa's World

Trying to keep up with the Joneses isn't easy, but we will try to help you with a glimpse of our life in our blog.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Beloved Bjorn

I’m not sure how or where I first heard of the Bjorn but when I became pregnant with my 1st child it seemed like the latest in baby boutique to wear your child. So I did a lot of research and bought the “active” baby blue Bjorn on Ebay. The package arrived on a Monday and unknown to me, my 1st would be born that next morning. Perhaps this was a sign of fate? I remember riding the bus home and reading the Bjorn box stating you could wear your baby and breastfeed (later I realized that isn’t a possibility).

Well I never realized how much the Bjorn would be an integral part of mine and my baby’s life. I remember that as soon as I could wear him, he went in and loved every minute. I could cuddle and snuggle him wherever we went. When he was fussy, I could put him in there and instantly soothe him. Once I felt comfortable that he could face forward, a whole new world opened up for him. This lasted for almost a full year because he then began to walk and no longer needed to be carried.

When my second baby arrived, he instantly went into the bjorn. Although it wasn’t equipped with an infant insert, I bundled him up with a blanket and gently placed him inside the pouch. It was a great way to bond with him while we were out and about with his older brother. Again, I wore him all of the time. We never took the car seat out of the car. I always transported him via the Bjorn. As my 2nd began to get heavier, the Bjorn seemed to have started to wear on me.

As my 3rd child came along it was a no brainer for me to use the Bjorn. But either my body was failing me or the Bjorn was failing, I wasn’t able to wear her as long of a time as I had the others. Now keep in mind that I was also carrying around 2 other children and my stamina was low especially with a newborn. I dismissed the aches and pains and swore by my fabulous find.

The Ergo: I had been introduced to this carrier 1 year prior and I wasn’t convinced of its all mighty power. As my back continued to ache and friends encouraged me to get an Ergo. I resisted until I found one on sale for a price no one could pass. When it arrived I was in awe and saw the 3 different positions you could secure your child. Once I felt my daughter was old enough she went on the back and wow…..what a relief. I even breastfed her while walking her around in it. Amazing.

Poor Bjorn was resting in the basement for about 6 months when someone inquired if I had one for sale. I thought to myself why are you saving this? If you know of a product my superior, why would you hold on to it. So I had decided to sell my beloved baby blue Bjorn. I proceeded to tell this strange my life story with the Bjorn and how sad I was to let it go. But that her child would really enjoy it and so would she.

I had a tear in my eye as I let it go. Many fond memories were flying past and luckily have a few snapshots as evidence that I held them in the Bjorn. The new owner emailed the day after and informed me of how much her baby loved being in it. I almost felt like a pet owner whose cat had a litter and giving one of the kits to a new owner.
Bjorn: I’m glad you went to a new home where you will be loved once again and taken out on a daily basis. You had a wonderful life with the Joneses and will be fondly remembered. Thank you for being a nurturing part of my children’s lives.

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