When I was a little girl, we lived in Frankfort Square, IL on
Acorn Drive. I loved it when it rained during the summer time. It was warm but,
the rain made it the prefect temperature.
There was a sidewalk across the street from our house that
had a dip in between two slabs. It made the perfect place for water to pool. It
made the best puddle ever.
If it wasn’t thundering or lightening, I would beg my mom to
let me play outside. I remember the clear-bubble umbrella she bought me. I
didn’t need wellies either; I would just go out with my bare feet. I would jump
up and down in the puddles. I would make the biggest splashes. I was wet, muddy, and had a huge smile on my face.
I wanted my kids to have the same experiences I had with
rain, puddles, and umbrellas. I made it
a point to get them all the rain gear they needed to make their own joy (of course when they aren't playing in the backyard without their clothes--my nudists). So no
matter what the weather was outside (hot or cold), I would let them play in the
rain. Of course as long as it isn’t thundering or lightening.
I wish we had a place that they could have a huge puddle
like I had but, it is the little things that count. :)